
28 November 2022

Say Yes To The Packaging: How To Get Those Sales Conversions Online

Online Sales

The branding for your online sales needs to be slick, it needs to capture attention and sell your product before your customer buys it. It needs to make your potential customer desperate to type in their card details and press that final button. In a high street store you can have a good shot at standing out from competitors, online you’re competing against snappy taglines; reams of reviews and high quality photoshopped posts of brands that want the same customer you do. So how do you get that customer to say yes to the packaging? 

The forecast for 2026 online sales is a 24% increase from where it currently sits at $8.1 Trillion – this shows how important it is for your brand to move the importance of your sales onto the online markets. Online markets give you a wider range of potential customers, and considering that 47% of all digital purchases happen on online marketplaces – getting on a larger platform other than your website is a good idea to increase your reach. But how do you make sure that people recognise and are drawn to your product over your competitors’?

The Key

Keep it consistent, this ensures retention from customers who already love your brand and helps those who haven’t yet made a purchase to remember you. It takes a minimum of 7 times (both consciously and subconsciously) for a consumer to see a brand in advertising/on the market before they will consider buying from it. So you’re going to benefit from keeping your branding consistent across all platforms including packaging.

The Pitch

Sell the problem you solve, not the product. Sell your humanity, not your statistics. Consumers are increasingly wanting to be part of a community and to purchase lifestyles, this means that you need to create a brand that can be connected and aspired to. So you need to understand what your customers want from both their ideal lifestyle and the product – and you need to sell all of this in an aesthetically pleasing piece of packaging that matches the aesthetic of the lifestyle your brand emulates. This also needs to be consistent across all forms of marketing – otherwise your customers will pick up on it and think that you lack transparency or authenticity.

The Sale

When the sale happens make it personal – ensure your customer wants to return. If you want to find out more on how to be certain that your customers make that end conversion – check out our article ‘Cart Abandonment: Ensure Successful Sales‘. 


For more help on how to get your customers to convert to your brand online, get in touch with our team to talk about potential designs for your packaging.