
25 July 2023

Spotlight: Vodafone and Three Merger


On the 14th June, Vodafone and Three announced that they were forming a merger to create the UK’s largest operator. How’s it going so far?


Well, Vodafone announced that they will be appointing a new CFO – the successful candidate is one Luka Mucic who will be starting in September of this year. Why a new CFO? Well, Vodafone has recorded higher levels of revenue this year.

The merger is due to finalize in the second half of 2024 – these two brands are the third and fourth biggest telecom companies in the UK. When the merger completes, it will leapfrog the subscribers of EE (owned by BT)  and Virgin Media O2 and Liberty Global – at an estimated 27 million individuals across their combined customer base. 

However the deal is expected to see scrutiny from regulators, with concerns circulating around the merger bringing about a decrease in competition within the markets.


We will keep updating this thread as the merger continues.